Tuesday, 7 August 2007

This Week

The last studio release in his Lifetime...its the fourth album in the American Recordings sessions: American IV - The Man Comes Around


ScotchCait said...

about time too! this is a good one!


Le Catch said...

Anything to do with being such a covers fan?

Critical Junk said...

I don't really GET Johnny Cash....I know I know, controversial.

Le Catch said...

Really? What have you listened to? The old stuff or the American Recordings?

ScotchCait said...

well u do know me, but ive always liked a bit of johnny cash, san quentin is really really good, i think the best is 25 mins to go, he really had it, a proper cool, guy.

Critical Junk said...

Ummmm...I think it's just a personal thing. I just don't connect with his music, I appreciate his ability to interperet songs, from humour ala Boy Named Sue to the depths he reaches with the American Recordings, it's not that I think he doesn't deserve critical acclaim (i'm sure he does), it just ain't me, babe

ScotchCait said...

What's new what's new? where u hiding?